Thursday, March 14, 2013

Chp. 9 Study Guide (Test next Wed.)

*Please review your class notes and study key terms/important people.

9 – 1    Jefferson Takes Office
-          Know the details of the election of 1800
-          Understand Margaret Smith’s quote
-          What was “different” about the way Jefferson viewed his position?
-          What new policies did Jefferson put into place while in office? *Study the web on pg. 312!*
-          Understand judicial review

9 – 2    The Louisiana Purchase
-          What are American motives for expanding West?
-          Remember the details of the Purchase:
·         What was James Monroe’s original goal, and what was he then offered?
·         Why was the territory offered to the U.S.?
·         What was Jefferson’s dilemma regarding the purchase?
-          Review Lewis & Clark – what their responsibilities were, what problems they faced, and who helped them
-          What created American interest in the Spanish borderlands?

9 – 3    Conflict
-          Review what was happening with the Barbary states
-          What big problems arose for the U.S. during the war between Britain and France? Think about economic motives for staying neutral and impressment/the capture of U.S. ships
-          Closely study the Emargo Act: Its terms, its causes, its effects. *Use the graphic organizer we filled out in class*
-          Remember the story of Tecumseh and his brother. What were their motives? What were they trying to accomplish? Why was there conflict between the Americans and the native population?

9 – 4    War of 1812
-          Review the causes/effects of the war
-          What effective military strategy did the British use to halt American trade
-          How did the war end?

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